
Meet Misa

Misa (as we call her) was Dx at 3 1/2 with Neuroblastoma. We were treated
at Upstate hospital (Syracuse, NY). Misa was treated aggressively as she had
the "bad kind" (as if any cancer is good) of Neuroblastoma. She was given a
25% chance of surviving and well 12 years later we thanks God everyday for
her! She loves life. She has made 2 mission trips in the past 2 years (partly
to share her story). I could go on and on. Best to sum it up with she is the
best :<)

Hope Session by Lisa Rossi Photography


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The Gold Hope Project is a team of photographers that have gathered together to raise awareness of childhood cancers. There are over 800 photographers worldwide that offer their services to fighters and survivors, putting faces to facts.
The Gold Hope Project Copyright © 2013 | Template by: compartidisimo