Meet Jacob

Jacob was diagnosed with stage 4 hepatoblastoma at 10 months old.He has been through 7 rounds of chemotherapy and had a liver resection. Little Jacob "Jake" is almost 2 years old and in the fight of his life. He has been diagnosed with hepatoblastoma which is a cancer of the liver. The tumor that was originally in his lungs and liver was removed by the University of Michigan and the tumors in his lungs went away with multiple rounds of chemo. It was a rough road, but he is tumor free!!! However, he now may need a stem cell transplant, so the fight isn't over. This is necessary though as they want to make very sure the cancer doesn't come back. Jacob is a fun loving little boy whose laugh and smile are contagious. He has beaten the odds and is truly a "miracle baby".

Jacob's support page Prayers for Jacob

Hope Session by Kris Sibley Photography


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The Gold Hope Project is a team of photographers that have gathered together to raise awareness of childhood cancers. There are over 800 photographers worldwide that offer their services to fighters and survivors, putting faces to facts.
The Gold Hope Project Copyright © 2013 | Template by: compartidisimo