Meet Jazmin

She is a five year old full of life! She loves Disney princesses, actually anything to do with princesses…her favorite movie is “Brave” and her favorite actor is Cinderella. If she could do anything in the whole world for one day she would jump rope all day long, or build gingerbread houses from dawn to dusk, run and play with animals (she made quick friends with all the residents of my farm) or go see a New Jersey Devils game; she’s a big fan. When I asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up, she responded: “Paleontologist. You know, someone who digs up dinosaur bones.” She pronounced paleontologist perfectly. She is an amazing little girl; inquisitive, thoughtful and already a fantastic conversationalist. I got such a kick out of her that morning she came for her session. Jazmin was diagnosed with neuroblastoma on January 10th 2013. She was supposed to have surgery very soon after that to remove her tumor and determine staging and treatment options, however she became very sick with RSV and wound up in the ICU at Golisano Children’s Hospital in Syracuse for 5 days. The doctors decided to postpone surgery to give her lungs a chance to heal. The 7-hour surgery is now scheduled for March 11th. Jazmin’s family will learn of her treatment plan after surgery when the doctors determine staging and after they get in and see how much of the tumor they can remove. She will also have bone marrow testing at the same time to determine if anything has spread during the past few weeks.
If you would like to send Jazmin well wishes for her big surgery today, you can go here: Jazmin Barnes Fight Like A Princess
Images by: KellyAnnePhotography



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The Gold Hope Project is a team of photographers that have gathered together to raise awareness of childhood cancers. There are over 800 photographers worldwide that offer their services to fighters and survivors, putting faces to facts.
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